University of Central Florida
Delta Zeta
We would first like to thank you for showing interest in our organization, and taking the time to research our website. We understand this is a very exciting, but vital time in your daughters life as she takes a large step towards independence. You have been their guides throughout childhood and have watched your daughters grow into beautiful young women. Now you can watch them as they grow even more as members of Delta Zeta. This sorority offers many opportunities for growth and leadership during your daughter’s years as a collegian. The friendships she makes will last a lifetime; the leadership skills will benefit her in every aspect of life.
As a member of Delta Zeta your daughter will be embarking on a new chapter of her life that she not only will share with us, but we hope she shares it with you too. Your daughter will learn and grow throughout her new member period. She will learn about the foundation and heart of Delta Zeta and how to be her absolute best self. Delta Zeta will challenge her to be involved, take leadership positions, and excel academically.
The passion of Delta Zeta is to raise awareness and funding for speech and hearing through a partnership with The Starkey Hearing Foundation.
Your daughter will be joining an organization with high ideals and purposes which include sisterhood, scholarship, and service.
Delta Zeta is a home away from home. It is a support system that makes a campus of over 60,000 students feel much smaller. Even though your daughter has found her “home” in Delta Zeta, she will always have you. You raised an amazing daughter, and she will be an incredible asset to Delta Zeta.